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Friday, June 11, 2010

Success, Failure or Sabotage

I can understand as much as anyone else can, better than some, perhaps, about the fear of being a failure.  Here is how I deal with it:

I ask myself am I happy with who I am and where I am in life right now, at this moment?

If I compare myself to others, the answer is always no.  That's because I can always find someone else doing better than I am.  If I pretend for just a moment that I'm the only person in the world right now... and that there is no one else to compare with, guess what??  Most of the time, I find myself content with where I am.  If in these conditions, I find myself as in an unacceptable position, then I can ask what needs to be done to change that and then I say the Serenity Prayer and really think (meditate) on what I can do to change or to accept.  If I can't change it, I will give it to my Higher Power and leave it at that.  If I can change my position, then I ask for strength to carry it out, if it is within the will of God, as I understand God to be.  Otherwise, I simply trust that my HP knows more than I do and if it is acceptable to Him, then there should be good reason for me to say, "I'm right where I need to be at this moment in time."

Of course, this is a lot easier said than done, so I struggle.

It is so easy for me to compare myself with others because I don't trust myself, nor do I trust that I'm where I need to be, just because I'm there at that moment.  I always look at other people, because I've got it in my mind that they have it all together. I, on the other hand, am a complete mess.  (I know that what I just said is not true, but it feels that way, you know?)

Progress rather than perfection is a good slogan to recall at times like these.  If I can see that I am a special gift from God to the rest of the world, but that I am still in the stage of "making" instead of a completed project... then I'm okay, for now.

Being a musician is a challenge to make a living off of.  So is working for Walmart.  There is no pay... none whatsoever!  If I am happy where I am, then that is what truly counts.  Who says you need money in order to succeed?  There are other factors as well, such as health, happiness.....   Serenity really counts as a criterion for success.  How many people do I know that had a lot of money and ended up killing themselves?  Not that many, if I'm really honest with myself, but at the same time, I know more rich suicides than I've known poor.  This is a fact that I can say directly from my experience and observation. I'm not saying that money causes people to be unhappy.  I think the real culprit is the lack of Serenity.  Serenity is a wonderful companion to have!  I have to keep reminding myself that money doesn't necessarily mean Serenity....  but sometimes, money can help in my attainment of Serenity (it's hard to have a peace when
you are hungry.)

Concerning sabotage, if someone else is unhappy, does that make me more happy?  I find that there is no relationship regarding someone else's happiness to mine.  It took a lot of experience to find this neat little fact out!  Fact is, if there was a relationship between the two, it always had a negative impact on my own quest for happiness, if for the reason that I would later look at myself and say, "Wow, Jack!  You really are a bad guy!  FOR SHAME!!!"  Thoughts like these always manages to sabotage my own feelings of self worth and esteem.  So, if I sabotage another, it will come back to bite me in the caboose!  That's a fact.  I really do feel for the person who has the need to sabotage, because I see myself in that picture.  I'm not judging.  I'm just saying, please, keep coming back and don't be discouraged from working the program.  Miracles happen.  Guess what?  You are that miracle... a work in progress!  One day, I can actually
say that there won't ever be a need for me to sabotage another.  By the Grace of God and the power to Think! I too, will come to the realisation that God sees me as a miracle as well.  When we get to that point, then I'd say we are truly Successful!  



Gras agus sith oirbh

(Grace and peace on you),
Alasdair Seoc Dughlas

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